Tuesday, October 5, 2010

IT 19

IT 19 subject is an excitement yet quietly pressured subject for me. It covers different methods and guidelines on how to present correctly (the reports, advertisement) any presentations to the audience. It includes different ways on how to organize the presentation physically and technically with its content and body like presenting a report, advertising, film making and other forms or presentation that usually uses a multimedia.When I took the subject IT 19, I’ve realized that it’s not easy to make a report or presentation to the audience with your own topic just like what I’ve thought before. Even searching an interesting topic, you must think of it wisely so that it could be interesting to the audience, in order to catch their attention. But even you can find a topic; it is not easy also to organize the information to make the slides or the whole technical presentation. You must follow the guidelines and format on how to organize all the data you have gathered, on how to make visual aids and especially on how to deliver it well. From its information up to technical presentations.In delivering a presentation or an informative report, you must consider not only its physical appearance but also the way how can you convince the audience to listen, understand and believe what you are talking. You must yourself and presentation in manner from its content as you fully understand it up to its technical aspect, so that during your presentation, there will be no problems occurred and it will flow according to its sequence. You must not be look nervous in standing in front of the audience, although it cannot be avoided but it can be defeated as long as your determination are strong enough to be successful in presenting a presentation. You must provide a clear explanation of all the terms you used in your presentation and you must have your own ways to make the audience interested and not be bored. You must have your originality and be independent in your own understanding about your topic and not be dependent to the notes you made that seems you just reading your presentations. It is not easy to deliver presentation but if only you follow all tips and guidelines on how to make a good presentation, it is not hard for you to overcome the success of delivering your presentations well.The next topic that we discussed is all about advertising. Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade and to purchase or take some action upon products, ideals or services. There are two types or advertising, the Digital Advertising and the Physical Advertising. Digital Advertising is delivering advertisement in digital formats in any medium. Digital Advertising includes: Television Advertising, Infomercials, Radio Advertising, Online Advertising and Product Placements. Television Advertising is generally considered as the most effective mass- market advertising format. Infomercials is a long format television commercial, typically five minutes or longer. Radio Advertising is a form of advertising via the medium of radio. Online Advertising is a form of promotion that uses the internet. Product Placement is when the a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. Physical Advertising has its unique characteristics such as: durable, personal, efficient and dimensional. Its includes the different type like Press Advertising that describes advertising in any printed medium such as mews paper, mobile billboard advertising, in – store advertising, an advertisement placed in a retail store, celebrity branding, type of advertising that uses celebrity power, fame and money.We also tackle multimedia. Multimedia is a computer based interactive communication process that incorporates text, graphics, sound, animation, and video. It is divided into linear and non linear categories. Linear active content progresses without any navigational control for the viewer such as cinema presentation. Non linear content offers user interactivity to control progress. Multimedia presentation can be live or recorded. It has many usage in different aspect like Commercial, Entertainment, Education, Journalism, Engineering, Industry and etc. There are three types in delivering Multimedia, Compact Disk, Kiosk and Online. It has its advantages like Engrossing, Multisensory, Individualized. And its disadvantages like non-interactive, lost in cyberspace, lack of structure, time consuming, linear content and others.The last topic that we have tackle as all about Filmmaking. Filmmaking is the process of making a film from an initial story idea or commission through scriptwriting, shooting, editing, directing and distribution to the audiences. It involves a large number of people, and takes from a few months to several years to complete. It takesplace all over the world in a huge range of economic, social and political contests and using a variety technologies and techniques. Film makers use both film and video as their medium. There are five stages occurs in producing a film, the first is the development. It is the stage in which the script is written and drafted into a workable blueprint for a film. The second is pre-production. A stage in which preparations are made for the shoot, in which cast and crew are hired, location are selected and sets are built. The third is the production in which the raw elements for the finished film are recorded. The fourth is the post production. This stage, the film is edited, production sound is concurrently edited, music tracks are composed, performed and recorded, if a film is sought to have a score, sound effect are designed and recorded and any other computer graphic visual effects are digitally added, all sounds element are mixed into stems then stems are mixed then married to picture and the film is fully completed. The last stage is the sales and distribution in which film is screened for potential buyers, is picked up by a distributor and reaches its cinema and or home media audience. There are many typical crew positions, theses are the following: director, assistant director, casting director, location manager, production manager, director of photography, production sound mixer, sound designer, composers, production designer, art designer, costume designer, make up and hair designer, storyboard artist, choreographer. Its not easy to make a film, you must gain a time ,money and people in order to make a nice film. You must consider also the people who can play the role of the people behind the film to be made in order to be more interesting to the audience.For me ,IT 19 is interesting subject if you focus it seriously and explore the hidden amusing lesson from the subject because its covers many aspects, not only in education but it can be use in business, arts, and others.

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